
Summer is . . . . .

sunkissed noses, sunscreen kisses, living in our bathing suits, summer dresses, sandal clad feet, fresh fruit with every meal and wishing the lazy sun soaked afternoons would linger on forever.

summer is homemade popsicles and lingering smiles, ringlet framed faces and shrieks of laughter.

summer is skinned knees and owies, cuddles and kisses and bright coloured band aids.

but most of all summer is love and laughter with family filled fun days and water soaked snuggles underneath the lazy summer sun.


face it with a grin

what better way to spend a beautiful summer evening then by enjoying a nice tea party outside.  the girls love spending this quality time together with each other, even if at times they don't show it . . . . seeing them being loving towards each other is more then this mama could ask for.  seeing them share and laugh with each other bubbles up the joy in my heart.

we have thoroughly been enjoying these beautiful days where the sun is shining and the warmth fills you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.  we have been laughing together, playing with each other, snuggling together and reading together.  we have been tackling new adventures and jumping in with both feet forward.

we try to allow the girls to choose their own adventures and giving them the tools that they may need . . . we offer up different activities and see their faces light up with joy when they say "we can do that mommy?"  we watch as they feel the water between their toes and the way the juice overflows out of their cups when they realize that they can't pour out that much.

i can only pray that these summer days get better and better as the summer has only just begun here.  i wonder what new adventures we can set out on tomorrow?


the beauty of it all

summer brings with it a new set of experiences for the kiddos.  new textures, feelings and emotions to explore . . . new smells, tastes and sounds to devour.  i love summer for all of it's gloriousness in so many ways.  between the sunscreen kisses, whispered "i love you's" and sticky popsicle fingers i see my girls blossom.

i revel in watching them smell the blades of grass, share in their excitement as they crouch to see the caterpillars move through the green jungle of it all, smile in amazement as they profoundly show the world just how wonderful they truly are. 

i am saddened with them over the hurts that are experienced through tumbles and spills, i cuddle them through the tears and play doctor when the time comes.  i lovingly share my own experiences with hurts and pains through childhood allowing them to see me as more then just their mama.

memories of running barefoot through the grass allowing the softness envelope my feet abound as i watch my girls shed their shoes as they play in the backyard . . . . smiling as i realize just how much like their mama these girls truly are . . . . embracing their dirt covered feet as a sign of the adventures that they have had throughout the day.

and as we sit on the back steps enjoying the endless blue sky and commenting on the exact fluffiness of the clouds, i am awed at the wonder of it all and am reminded to look for the little things, as the youngest proclaims "look mommy!  i can see the moon!"

with sticky popsicle fingers i embrace my kiddos and know in my heart just how blessed i truly am.  i may struggle and may not always act the way a mama should towards my kiddos, but i am still learning as i am taken on this journey.  God truly is blessing our family as we continue to embark on the path of life.  i may not know where he is taking us but he truly is present each and every day.

and as we wash away the signs of our fun and adventures i again am reminded of how precious these beauties are to me.  as they laugh and giggle while they rub soap over each other and wash each other's hair i say a silent prayer that these days will never be forgotten or pushed away . . . for the magic of the summer is only beginning and i want to drink in the beauty of it all.


jump for joy

you know that feeling that you get when you see your children having the most amazing time doing something?  the warmth that spreads from the centre of your heart, breaking down any saddness or anger that might have been supressed in there?  the feeling that these days, these moments, are why you became a mom?

that feeling washes over me faster then a wave hitting the shore . . .  watching my beautiful girls laughing and holding hands and spending time together ignites a fire in my heart . . . seeing them want to spend time together and laugh and play makes me swell with pride . . . it crumbles away that insecurity and doubt that might have been in my heart about their love for each other.

i listen to their giggles and laughter and screams of joy and it washes away the bad moments that had occurred only moments before . . . the moments when i think that i am in over my head . . . . the moments when i think that i have failed . . . . then a little spark ignites, the fire begins to burn and i am reminded, ever so graciously, about those moments that truly define what it means to be a parent . . . . and then that moment comes where you embrace your inner child and you find yourself, maybe just for a moment, forgetting the worries and stresses of adulthood and you can once again feel yourself be free . . . . lost in a moment of laughter


with these hands

to watch a child create is like watching a flower as it comes into blossom . . . . to see the joy on their face as their masterpiece takes shape, like listening to a pianist reaching their crescendo . . . . how i love to watch the girls as their hands glide through the paint making swirls of colours

it doesn't matter what the canvas is . . . . paper, bath tub walls, shower curtains, themselves . . . . the joy in their faces melts this mama's heart to butter.  i love listening to their giggles erupt from the very depths of their bellies as they share these moments together . . . . a sisterhood bond that i have prayed for each and every day.

when i see these hands moving and swirling i am reminded of how often i have washed hand prints off of windows and doors, grumbling to myself in the process.  how can i get frustrated and annoyed with these precious little hands when i know full well the beauty that they hold?  can i remind myself, as i wash countless footprints off my hardwood floors, that these precious little feet are what will carry them forward, one step at a time, as they go through life?

my prayer for my girls is that as they walk through life they will take me with them, by their side and that they will always walk with God before them.  i pray that as their trials and tribulations come that they will confide in God first and me second . . . . and as they confide in me i can only hope that i will trust and believe in each word they say and that i will be able to envelope them in my open arms with love and allow them to cry their tears of sorrow and to laugh over the joys.

and as they walk through their days they will ever leave footprints in the sand of my life.  leaving their mark on my heart as it continues to swell with love and pride.   and as the days draw to a close and i am washing the handprints off the walls for the hundredth time i will forever remind myself that these hands will only be this small for so long.


A New Journey

a new journey has begun . . . . a time to focus more on the good things that i have been given and to get out of the negativeness that has crept in . . . . a time to embark on a life style improvement journey to focus more on my family and not dwell on the disappointments . . . . . a time to release myself from my chains and rise up fresh like the flowers in spring . . . . join me as i remind myself that "the most wasted of all days is one without laughter" (E.E. Cummings)